Genuine Pharmacom Labs Pharma Prim 200 Primobolan 200mg Injection For Sale
Methenolone Enanthate, aka Primobolan or Primo, is one of the few anabolic steroids that are available in both oral and injectable forms. Primobolan is no longer the hugely popular injectable anabolic steroid it once was.
But it still has a big following amongst bodybuilding enthusiasts across the globe. Including famous bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, who said it was one of his favourite steroids.
It is one of the safest steroids available today. Primobolan has literally no side effects.
It is great for reducing your water retention and increasing your lean muscle mass. But Masteron is usually the best choice if you want that. This is simply because Masteron is easy to find, and is less prone to counterfeiting compared to Primobolan.
Primobolan and Masteron perform almost the same functions. But they do have a number of characteristics which distinguish them from one another.
First, Methenolone Enanthate is counterfeited more frequently, especially in the form of oral tablets. Because Primobolan is extremely mild, it works great for your cutting cycles.
The tablets are good to use if you are female. Primobolan tablets have little or no side effects, and are easy to control when you use responsibly.
What Is Primobolan?
Based on DHT, the Primobolan injection is a drug which produces both androgenic and anabolic effects. Its androgenic properties are quite mild.
This is due to the fact that Primobolan is more of an anabolic steroid than anything else. However, unlike most other steroids available in the market today, Methenolone Enanthate does not aromatize.
Both oral and the injectable forms of Primobolan consist of methenolone enanthate. But the oral form is generally less potent.
Most of the Primobolan typically breaks down before it even enters into your bloodstream. And on the positive side, this means that Primobolan is not harmful to your liver, at all.
Benefits of Primobolan
Primobolan tablets are a mild steroid. And you won’t realise any benefits from it if you use it alone during your bulking cycles.
It requires a more androgenic compound, such as testosterone, to gain maximum benefits. But to use Primobolan during your bulking cycle it would typically require higher doses. And this could drive up your costs.
It is better for you to use it in the cutting phase. It won’t cause massive muscle growth, but it would be great for maintaining Your muscle mass.
Also, it will preserves your lean muscles as well. And it can help burn your excess body fat far better than other steroids.
The biggest benefit of Primobolan injections is without a doubt its safety for female users. But this does not necessarily mean it is only advantageous to women.
Primobolan Side Effects
It is a well known fact that most steroids can cause you adverse health effects. Especially if you are a women. So Primobolan’s high tolerability in women makes it particularly special.
One of the biggest fears among female steroid users is being affected by virilisation. However, when used correctly, Primobolan injectable steroids are safe and effective and virilisation will never occur.
And, even if virilisation does occur, discontinuing its use will cause any symptoms of virilisation to go away instantly. So with Methenolone Enanthate, women can enjoy basic anabolic effects without worrying about adverse health consequences.
If symptoms of virilisation do occur, it’s advisable to quit using it altogether.
As mentioned above, Primobolan doesn’t aromatize. So, most of the adverse health effects associated with steroids, including Gynecomastia, water retention and bloating, are non existent.
And liver damage is not a worry with the oral version. Primo is without a doubt one of the safest steroids available on the market today.
But this doesn’t mean it cannot cause harmful health effects at all. Like most other steroids, it can result in certain adverse health effects, such as hair loss. Primobolan doesn’t cause hair loss. But it may speed up the process if you are predisposed to baldness.
However, apart from virilisation and baldness, there really isn’t much to worry about when it comes to Primobolan use.
Primo Dosage
Methenolone Enanthate is extremely weak. And you will typically need to use higher doses to realize desired effects.
You will find genuine Primobolan quite beneficial if you are female. The injectable version of this steroid is obviously more efficient overall compared to the oral form.